World Greed Results - Page 3 of 3

Current Standings Rank Player W/L 45.00 GameMaster - Page 3 - Board, Card, RPG Reviews - Posted: 7th Oct, 2010 - 11:27pm

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You place the outcome of World Greed games here
3rd Jun, 2008 - 1:26am / Post ID: #

World Greed Results - Page 3

If AlaskanLDS tells you to play a game that she had created a long time - don't! It is a RISK trap, meant to get you to forget you are in a One on One game and you end up attacking in the first round and losing! Yep, I admit it, I fell for it. However, something good came out of it and I will place the result in the RISK Updates Thread.

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9th Jun, 2008 - 8:16pm / Post ID: #

Results Greed World

Krakyn won a One on One game that I started proving that the new One on One system makes battles run in a more fair fashion AND that I am charitable wink.gif.

9th Jun, 2008 - 8:31pm / Post ID: #

World Greed Results Reviews RPG & Card Board

I am sure you are charitable but what happened you were unable to beat countries that is what tipped the scale in my favor early in the game!

9th Jun, 2008 - 9:03pm / Post ID: #

Page 3 Results Greed World

Yes, the dice were in your favor, but no worries, I remain in first place, ABOVE everyone else, or in other words to put it mildly, I'm the head of the game, best of the best, ruler of RISK - well, I think you get the point.

13th Jun, 2008 - 7:44am / Post ID: #

Results Greed World

QUOTE (JB @ 2-Jun 08, 5:26 PM)
If AlaskanLDS tells you to play a game that she had created a long time - don't! It is a RISK trap, meant to get you to forget you are in a One on One game and you end up attacking in the first round and losing!

My ears were ringing I knew you all were over on another thread talking about me! laugh.gif!

I didn't realize I could come and brag it up here too!
I beat my daddy! I beat my daddy! Did I mention, I beat my daddy? BAD!

He tried to say he let me win, but come on really--I had 36 armies to place against his two wimpy armies....It is okay Dad! Your not the only one here to lose to a GIRL!

Of course, I am going to leave it at that since for some "unknown" reason the dice seemed to go against the red army that last time I bragged! I think JB "accidently" put a code KILL RED--but it was obviously not working today! RIGHT DAD?

5th Jul, 2008 - 10:36pm / Post ID: #

World Greed Results

I noticed Krakyn is getting too good at this game. In the last few we played while testing he must have won four out of five matches. On the other hand KN has lost the Hulkster juice. As for the others, I haven't seen them in awhile... don't be afraid to come out from under the rocks devil.gif.

Make sure to SUBSCRIBE for FREE to JB's Youtube Channel!
7th Oct, 2010 - 11:27pm / Post ID: #

World Greed Results - Page 3

Current Standings

Rank Player W/L
45.00 GameMaster 176/131
44.00 AlaskanLDS 183/139
40.00 Krakyn 179/139
-7.00 Klar 177/184
-14.00 Felipe 11/25
-15.00 roadkill 42/57
-30.00 FarSeer 16/46

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