Gwynedd Village Tavern

Gwynedd Village Tavern - Gwynedd Medieval Village PBP RPG - Posted: 11th Sep, 2005 - 3:13am

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Gwynedd Tavern Owner
Description: Come in and rest ye little ole tired... The Village Tavern welcomes anyone that wants to come in, sit down and have some open medieval discussion in character. At the heart of the story is an unfortunate tavern worker that dreams of better fortune elsewhere, but he is only limited to the happenings of the tavern and those that come in such as you and your character.

6th Sep, 2005 - 2:39pm / Post ID: #
Gwynedd Narrator

Gwynedd Village Tavern

Gwynedd Tavern Owner says,

The Village Tavern

STORYLINE: The Gwynedd Village Tavern welcomes anyone that wants to come in, sit down and have some open medieval discussion in character. At the heart of the story is an unfortunate tavern worker than dreams of better fortune elsewhere, but he is only limited to the happenings of the tavern and those that come in such as you and your character.

Quotes are not necessary as you will always be speaking in character. For details on participation check here.

Washing mugs, serving drinks and listening to the grumbles of old men over and over again is what seems to be the life fer me. I be darned to the pits of darkness if I will let it get meh inner heart down and out. Well in any case it be a wee bit early for pessimism, I be humbly waitin' to see what talk there is today, maybe I might just overhear some splendid piece of gossip that will set my future fortune right in order. Ah, there I go again... Talking to mehself.

7th Sep, 2005 - 2:39am / Post ID: #
Gwynedd Narrator

Tavern Village Gwynedd

Gwynedd Tavern Owner says,

Aarrgh, is he be calling me again? The boss that is, he seems never weary of finding meh work here and there. The mornin' has not even sprouted wings yet and here I am already lifting kegs on the shelf. Well, maybe if I get an eyeful of a sweet las in fer breakfast then the day might be a wee bit brighter.

*Lifts keg in place*

Righty then, let us see, mugs in order, the chalice be shinning like the sun and I see there under the counter all meh glasses are spotless. One last check of the cook and I shall be ready to open them big old doors fer the hungry ones already lining up outside fer their bread.

7th Sep, 2005 - 4:25pm / Post ID: #
Gwynedd Narrator

Gwynedd Village Tavern RPG PBP Village Medieval Gwynedd

Gwynedd Tavern Owner says,

Feels so good to scratch meh behind, now let's see, where is that blooming key? Ah, here it be and now I shall open up fer those hungry lads and lasses.

* Opens the doors to the Tavern *

Bright sunny day it be and a splendid mornin' to thee.

8th Sep, 2005 - 4:01pm / Post ID: #
Gwynedd Narrator

Tavern Village Gwynedd

Gwynedd Tavern Owner says,

Right, now dem doors be open and the villagers with a bit of glee fer their ale let me be behind the bar where I can listen to some of the grumbles of old men and tales of hopeful adventurers.

*Goes about serving rinks and wiping the counter while keeping an ear open*

Mama did not give meh these ears fer nothin', but I sure wish she had done something about meh teeth.

10th Sep, 2005 - 4:38pm / Post ID: #
Gwynedd Narrator

Tavern Village Gwynedd

Gwynedd Tavern Owner says,

What a piece of blabbering if I ever did hear one! How could that maiden in all her dandy clothing speak of ole Ma Jeffers like that? Why, if I were over there and no one could see, I would slap her about her face until she begged for ice tea.

*turns head to allow better hearing from another part of the room*

Let me see if meh ears can pick up anymore. Ah, this one sounds intriguing, a man looking to make money by doing the Village Elders' dirty work. What a hopeful, he does not even look fit to gut a hog further more seek out bandits to the South.

10th Sep, 2005 - 10:28pm / Post ID: #

Gwynedd Village Tavern

A well intentioned visior says...

:::Glad for a bit of cool shade after that hard workout with the weaponsmaster, Sabina strides in. Weary but not exhausted, she takes a seat at an empty table and motions to the tavern boy to fetch her an ale. She shows her coin on the edge of the table.::

Here, lad, and be swift, mind ye.

::Sabina wipes her face and neck with a large, bright kerchief, then stows it in her tunic pocket. She settles into her seat and gazes about the room as her eyes adjust to the semi-darkness:::

10th Sep, 2005 - 10:35pm / Post ID: #
Gwynedd Narrator

Gwynedd Village Tavern

Gwynedd Tavern Owner says,

That be a bit of a presser if I did ever hear one.

*turns head yet again to pickup further blurbs only to see a specific maiden sit at a table*

Well, what do I see, a new maiden with such an attire as to both hurt my health and my heart, but her face... well, I cannot see it too well.

*turns head yet again to hear what is uttered*

Ah, she has ordered the drink of giants, she must be of the brutish type, but if only I can see the eyes, they tell all you know.

Offtopic but,
FarSeer: Please get a face to match your character (see first message)

11th Sep, 2005 - 3:13am / Post ID: #

Gwynedd Village Tavern Gwynedd Medieval Village PBP RPG

A well intentioned visior says...

::Scowling at the way the man is staring at her, Sabina's hand drops to her sword.:::

Something ye have to say, friend? Fetch my ale or taste my blade! I'm not so weary I couldn't take yer ear off in a trice, and you none the wiser.

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