Gwynedd Village Tavern - Page 9 of 33

* At seeing the maiden of his heart he grabs - Page 9 - Gwynedd Medieval Village PBP RPG - Posted: 10th Sep, 2007 - 12:37am

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Gwynedd Tavern Owner
Description: Come in and rest ye little ole tired... The Village Tavern welcomes anyone that wants to come in, sit down and have some open medieval discussion in character. At the heart of the story is an unfortunate tavern worker that dreams of better fortune elsewhere, but he is only limited to the happenings of the tavern and those that come in such as you and your character.

28th Dec, 2006 - 7:44am / Post ID: #

Gwynedd Village Tavern - Page 9

A well intentioned visior says...

"I apologize m'lady I just wish to make conversation with such a fair lady, pray tell you intellect is as good as your brawn?" As he finishes his speech he bows politely.

28th Dec, 2006 - 7:55am / Post ID: #

Tavern Village Gwynedd

A well intentioned visior says...

Shaking her head ever so slightly, Sabina's countenance expresses her deep disdain. "And what thinkin' is this, that I might converse with the likes of yerself? Ye've opened a door and fallen flat on yer face, boy. Move along, before me ire is stirred."

And with a toss of her head in the direction of the door, she soundly dismisses him.

28th Dec, 2006 - 11:31am / Post ID: #
Gwynedd Narrator

Gwynedd Village Tavern RPG PBP Village Medieval Gwynedd

Gwynedd Tavern Owner says,

* Chuckles behind the bar at the misfortune of the other *

Ah yes, that maiden makes meh heart swell with emotion.

17th Jan, 2007 - 6:39am / Post ID: #

Page 9 Tavern Village Gwynedd

A well intentioned visior says...

"Your words are harsh m'lady but I will not falter before such a beautiouse one such as yourself. Maybe one such as yourself need a more drastic approach. Possibly a cup of mead or maybe some rations." His face remains firm with a smile and his body still remains in place unmoving.

25th Jun, 2007 - 3:01pm / Post ID: #
Gwynedd Narrator

Tavern Village Gwynedd

Gwynedd Tavern Owner says,

Lad ye be disgraced by a pretty face? Fear not, where there is one fish you are likely to find more. Perhaps other fair maidens may yet come seeking something to quench their thirst.

5th Sep, 2007 - 12:58pm / Post ID: #
Gwynedd Narrator

Gwynedd Village Tavern

Gwynedd Tavern Owner says,

* Goes back to work behind the counter *

Fumble weed! That wench has a brain of a bird I tell ye - a bird. She be putting the mugs on the left and plates on the right and it be the other way around! If yer be wanting anything done it needs be ye do it yerself!

7th Sep, 2007 - 5:31am / Post ID: #

Gwynedd Village Tavern - Page 9

A well intentioned visior says...

Sabina once again turns an irritated stare toward the youngster. "Boy," she states icily, "ye're in the way of me ale. If I must stand up to move you aside, I won't be gentle. Chances are ye'll not be walkin' fer several days. . . . Move along, or face the consequences."

Dismissing him again by simply turning aside from him, Sabina turns her fiery gaze to the tavern keeper, whom she suspects has set this boy up. "And wot's ye're issue, keeper? Ye know wot I drink, let's have it before the day's full gone."

10th Sep, 2007 - 12:37am / Post ID: #
Gwynedd Narrator

Gwynedd Village Tavern Gwynedd Medieval Village PBP RPG - Page 9

Gwynedd Tavern Owner says,

* At seeing the maiden of his heart he grabs a tattered rag, the only one he has handy at the moment, wipes his face as though he were taking off a day's worth of toil and then rushes over to the table where she sits... *

Welcome back meh fair one, ye like the taste of meh ale and the elegance of meh company I see.

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