It is important to understand that no answer is particularly wrong or right. You will need to say why you chose that ONE thing as your answer. You could probably choose many, but you are to only chose ONE.
I really had to think about this one. Wisdom would be good, intelligence is important. Money would be nice. Kids are great. Comeliness is helpful. Friends are wonderful. Fame would be interesting. Experience can be good or bad....
I voted for Love. Without love, nothing else matters.
In my opinion, of course.
I voted for MONEY. I know how shallow this sounds. I guess maybe I am shallow after all.
Seriously though, it doesn't say I won't have any of the others so here is my reasoning. If I keep what I already have and add to it LOTS of money, I can use the money to help increase the other things.
For example, I am not totally without wisdom or experience. Those areas of my life would continue to grow as they would normally. Now, add all this money and I am free to pursue any academic interests I have, spend my day studying whatever topics I think would help increase my wisdom. Experience comes in time as I try out new things or continue to do the old. I am already of above average intelligence. That may sound cocky, but it is not. I am not claiming to be a genious, but I am intelligent. I think I have enough intelligence what I need is wisdom and experience. What I want is money.
I chose love, cause thru love you can find all those things, including money and fame.. If your fans love you, and you love them, then hey, you're going to be famous and have money.
In love you can find much wisdom,
in wisdom you find intelligence,
when you love, people love you back, which means friends.
And life itself brings you experience, and what better way to get that experiance, then thru the love in your life??
I think that we should seek for those things that will have eternal consequences in our lives, wisdom are love are some of those. Even though I understand why some people would choose money, we may not see the consequences of how we we may become if we have so much money that we don't know what to do with it.