Nurses Can Write Prescriptions

Nurses Write Prescriptions - Psychology, Special Needs, Health - Posted: 13th Sep, 2005 - 3:43pm

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Post Date: 13th Sep, 2005 - 12:35am / Post ID: #


Nurses Can Write Prescriptions

Do you think it is a wise move to allow Nurses to write prescriptions?


Nurse practitioners across the health sector will be able to prescribe a range of medicines under new regulations approved by the Government.

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Post Date: 13th Sep, 2005 - 5:04am / Post ID: #

Nurses Can Write Prescriptions
A Friend

Prescriptions Write Nurses

One: something I love about this forum is that I get news I wouldn't get otherwise off of Drudge or television, to wit, this article.

Two: I support this kind of thing - nurses by and large are accomplished professionals involved in most of the patient/provider process. Good for them. I'd rather see a nurse practitioner for a simple cold pack and be on my way than wait longer for a doctor to say the same thing. Well done.

Post Date: 13th Sep, 2005 - 3:43pm / Post ID: #

Nurses Can Write Prescriptions
A Friend

Nurses Can Write Prescriptions Health & Special Psychology

Having worked in the health care industry, I must say that this is a great step-forward. Nurse Practitioners are often looked down upon by patients because they would rather be seen by an extremely experienced Doctor of Medicine. When in all actuality, Nurse Practitioners are molded by these experienced Doctors and work closely under their supervision. In most cases, Doctors are so busy that patients with urgent needs cannot be seen immediately and having a NP that can take care of the patient's needs and send them on their way with a prescription (as needed) is fantastic. Also, NP's are not just people that walk off the street for jobs, they have already gone through extensive schooling and are capable of seeing a problem, making a diagnosis, and referring the patient to a specialist if needed. Good for them.

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