{she stretches and looks about her}
OOC I am not quite sure how or where to start so I will treat this like a chance to tell you about my character.
Hello my name is Grace I am the offspring of a elf under a rather powerful transformation spell and a barn cat. By trade I am a mouser and advise, you will never see me without my caller and pouch of coins. As you can see I am a dainty little cat my silver grey fur has a healthy shine and my green eyes are cion. I am a strong mined speaker so have no worries I'll speak up if I want or need to. My weaknesses are Fire, dogs, and blades so please refrain.
Edited: Grace on 12th Sep, 2005 - 8:04pm
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I am sorry but I do not like putting a lot about myself on the net I find it easer to place my personalty in a character and not give personal facts to the world.