What do you know about Sandman Comics?
Published by DC Comics between 1988 and 1996, The Sandman became a mania and is remembered as one of the best comics ever made. The Sandman story starts in 1916, when the wizard Roderick Burgess wants to entrap Death, but instead he manages to capture Dream (a.k.a. Morpheus)and keeps him imprisioned for decades.
Ref. https://www.angelfire.com/moon/darkchamber/...rts/sandman.htm
I've yet to read the entire series in full and haven't tried in about five years, but what I did read was very enjoyable. Books like Sandman change the notion that comics books are "just for kids," and start fulfilling the realization of comic books as being a legitimate art for in their own right. Fantastic stuff.
Neil Gaiman created and wrote the Sandman series, but has also dabbled in film (co-wrote script for a possible upcoming Zemeckis-directed Beowulf film), television (created British series Neverwhere), and advancing comics in general. Anime fans take note: he also wrote the english-language script to the very good Princess Mononoke.
I'd love to hear someone else chime in some more info on the book: favorite issues, etc.