Dare Devil

Dare Devil - Comic / Anime PBP RPGs, Reviews - Posted: 22nd May, 2006 - 2:23am

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17th Mar, 2003 - 4:59pm / Post ID: #

Dare Devil

What did you think about the movie Dare Devil?

Say how you rate based on the following points:

* How close to the comic was it
* Acting/Effects/Sound
* Story line

For me I thought it was pretty close to the cartoon. I did not like the costumes too much, but the effects and music was pretty good. I thought him leaving King Pin there without setting him up to go to jail was a bit unreal. I thought it interesting that the girl died, that is not a usual thing in these movies.

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Post Date: 2nd Apr, 2003 - 6:54pm / Post ID: #

Dare Devil
A Friend

Devil Dare

They really tried they saw spiderman and they wanted to copy it, the latter saw x-men and they tried to do the same,sadly none came close to the comic,but I will say this I guess they choose Ben Affleck for the movie beacuse he had the comic  chin, you know the big square chin with the clif that superman and batman and all the other heros have, a chin that could take a good punch smile.gif.That is the closests they came to it iam afarid:(
As for sound effects hummm there was a lot of swooshing and wooshing around wasn't there, I guess that was a well enoough subsitute for the words used to decribe it in the comics. smile.gif
well,well this is where it all goes down hill real fast.Was this supposed to be a romantic flim, is daredevil a casinnova, the bit with the rain ...hummmm 'your'e beautiful, and the girl from alias looks at him and smiles then he kisses her,like I didn't see that comming.Lets look at the ingredients again
night, rain, two people, and a compliment.The same happened in spiderman, remeber the kissing scene the characters where drenched weren't they.I rest my case.......
If I were to grade the movie I'll give it a 'C'.

5th May, 2003 - 12:23pm / Post ID: #

Dare Devil Reviews & RPGs PBP Anime / Comic

Lafemme, wow you were really hard on this movie. I think those who are not familiar with the old comics would not appreciate it. I grew up reading DD, it was a pretty popular comic, but not as much as Superman or Batman. In fact there were a lot of super heroes back then that you do not hear about now. I notice that the movie makers are trying to 'revive' them. I think it all started with the movie 'Rocketeer'.

Post Date: 25th Jun, 2003 - 9:38pm / Post ID: #

Dare Devil
A Friend

Devil Dare

I have never read or even seen the comics so I cannot make any comparisons there..the movie was ok..nothing spectacular about it in my mind...I didn't like the lighting though for me it was too dark so I could barely distinguish wha was happening on screen..I wasn't too impressed with Ben Affleck though...and let me say that suit fit him poorly...was even sagging in some places..laugh.gif...wont say where though...the action scenes were good ...esp the one with him and Jenn garner at the playground....Jenn garner made an impressive debut into big screen with this movie but as I didn't see much scenes with her I must say that her experience starring in alias payed off in spades in this movie...overall I would say the movie was ok ...ohh went to see it with Xmen..frankly expected to like daredevil more than Xmen but revised my opinion when I saw both of them....

Post Date: 26th Jun, 2003 - 10:34am / Post ID: #

Dare Devil
A Friend

Devil Dare

I haven't read the comics either, I didn't even know there were comics to go with the movie until my friend, Brian, asked me how close I thought the movie was to the comics. I can't really say, but the movie wasn't so bad. Not as good as Spiderman or the X-Men movies. If I had to choose between those three, I'd probably choose the X-Men movies, particularly X2. The Hulk probably wont be that great either....

22nd May, 2006 - 2:23am / Post ID: #

Dare Devil

I saw this for a second time and it really is not bad. I also realized that they show Bullseye as still being alive in the end, but you have to stick around for the credits to notice that. So now the question remains... will there be a part two?

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