I loved the Calvin and Hobbes comics. I used to buy the books for hours of fun. I enjoyed the free spirit of Calvin and the corresponding energy that he channeled into his toy, Hobbes. Very funny stuff, I would rate it 5 out of 5 for comic humor.
Calvin and Hobbes is at once the most simple, yet by far the deepest comic strip available. The characters actually are modelled as caricatures of the great philosophers after whom they are named. Frequently, Calvin, the little boy, has these very short, but deep discussions about different views of reality. Usually just as he is getting into real trouble.
I have two sons who are somewhat ADD. The youngest one hates to read. But when we find one of our Calvin and Hobbes books, he grabs it and reads through it several times before putting it down. He goes to the library to find any others that he hasn't read for some time.
I recommended the books to a friend who has a son with quite severe ADD, who basically couldn't read at all. His son took to them just like mine did. There is something about them that just appeals to these children and gets them to not only read the comics and follow the storylines (there are often themes that will last for days), but really try to comprehend what they are reading.
I now have a Calvin and Hobbes subscription (along with Dilbert) on my Bloglines account, so that I get the updates every day.
I love Calvin & Hobbes. As a kid with I vivid imagination I can relate to Calvin in a lot of ways. It was such fun to see how Calvin viewed events in his mind. As for the "P" thing, was that ever actually in the strip? It doesn't really seem to fit with what I have read of the strip (many dailies and two collections). I always assumed someone had just altered a drawing of Calvin with his mischievous look. The only time I ever see it is on the back window of trucks, usually accompanied by the logo of a rival company.
I love calvin and hobbes, I'm not sure how I discovered it as unlike peanuts it doesn't appear in the newspapers over here (u.k) I just love the whole feel and innocence of it, its like being a kid again but then there are little pearls of wisdom we could all do with listening to such as Hobbes asking calvin "how come we always play war and not peace?" to which Calvin replies "to few role models" then at the end when they've both shot each other Calvin observs "kind of a stupid game isn't it?"
I love the two different viewpoints between how calvin sees Hobbes and how everyone else sees him but despite this my favourite episodes are always the ones where calvin is building his weird and twisted snowmen!
Also has anyone seen a film called second hand lions! check out the guys artwork in it I'm sure its done by the same artist who did calvin and hobbes it sure looks similar1
A transmogrified 'Calvin and Hobbes'
By Jacqueline Blais, USA TODAY
In the final Calvin and Hobbes comic strip, Calvin and his buddy Hobbes are tobogganing after a fresh snowfall. Calvin's parting line: "It's a magical world, Hobbes, ol' buddy ... Let's go exploring!"
Ref. https://www.usatoday.com/life/books/news/20...in-hobbes_x.htm
Creator is Private
Just don't expect cartoonist Bill Watterson to attend the unveiling ceremony. It's been nearly 10 years since he abruptly quit drawing one of the most popular comic strips of all time. Since then, he's been as absent as the precocious Calvin and his pet tiger, err, stuffed animal, Hobbes.
Some call Watterson reclusive. Others say he just likes his privacy.
Ref. https://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20051022/ap_on_...sive_cartoonist