Could you imagine being trapped or imprisoned somewhere for a long period of time? Consider the barges made for the people that crossed the great deep under direction of Mohonri Moriancumur and the Lord. The barges were tight like a dish and only had a stop hole, if you will, at the top for air. What is more, you could not leave the barge because all around you was water, and more water for 344 days! This makes you wonder how they ate, if there were any rebellions. They had no sails, no direction save for the wind. Wow, could you do that?
I just spent 7 hours straight in the back seat of a Volkswagen, and I feel like that was a long trip. I would imagine that the Jaredite barges must have been large enough that the people could stand in calm waters, and that they must have taken many animals with them as well for food. I think they were larger than we usually imagine, because of the amount of food that would be necessary.
I have heard speculation based on alternate Biblical translations that the Ark is described similarly, that the "window" of the Ark may have been a hole like in Jared's barges. Just an interesting sidenote.
I think modern people have lost the art of entertaining ourselves for long periods, as well as the art of being confidently alone. Because of our world culture, 344 days in a barge would be torture, while the Jaredites were probably much more accustomed to solitude and having much time to think. They probably had plenty of maintenence to do, however.
Stuck in a barge for that long would maybe today bore me to death. But thinking about what kind of people travelled in them, they were people of faith, who believed wholeheartedly in what they were doing. Travelling to a promised land would have been a marvellous thought. The barges would have been very large as they would have had to take food and animals along for survival. the Lord is very smart. He would not have left no stone unturned, he would have provided for all their needs at the time.
I know what it's like to be stuck in a volkswagon for more than 7 hours. The only thing that kept my sanity was the scenery during the travel!
I think they were larger than we usually imagine |