Relief Society - Page 2 of 3

Be charitable, LDS women are urged Speaking - Page 2 - Mormon Doctrine Studies - Posted: 27th Sep, 2009 - 12:25pm

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Relief Society What has it done for you? Nothing much? Alot? A little? tell us your feelings about Relief Society and your part in it.
Post Date: 7th Apr, 2007 - 12:10am / Post ID: #

Relief Society - Page 2

"The greatest manifestation of charity is the Atonement of Jesus Christ, granted to us as a gift. Our diligent seeking for this gift requires that we not only are willing to receive it but are willing to share it as well. As we share this love with others, we emerge as 'instruments in the hands of God to do this great work' (Alma 26:3). We will be prepared to sit down with our sisters in heaven--together."

(Kathleen H. Hughes, "That We May All Sit Down in Heaven Together," Ensign, Nov. 2005, 111)

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Post Date: 3rd Dec, 2007 - 5:36am / Post ID: #

Society Relief

"We, [the Lord's] daughters, need to know that He loves us. We need to know that He sees the good in us. Feeling His love encourages us to press forward, reassures us that we are His, and confirms to us that He cherishes us even when we stumble and experience temporary setbacks. . . "Our Heavenly Father loved us before we came to this earth. I know that He loves us, sisters, as does His Son, Jesus Christ. That love will never change--it is constant. You can rely on it. We can trust it. "Just as the motto of Relief Society reminds us that 'charity never faileth,' we must believe that the love of Christ will never fail us. All that we do in Relief Society should reflect the love of our Savior and the love of our Heavenly Father. This great love should be the source of our motivation to serve others. It must be both our point of origin and our destination!"
Ref. (Bonnie D. Parkin, "Eternally Encircled in His Love," Ensign, Nov. 2006, 108)

Post Date: 26th Dec, 2007 - 3:25pm / Post ID: #

Relief Society Studies Doctrine Mormon

"Relief Society. . . . gives [women] opportunity for growth and development. It gives them status as queens in their own households. It gives them place and position, where they grow as they exercise their talents. It gives them pride and direction in family life. It gives them added appreciation for good, eternal companions and children.

"What a glorious organization Relief Society is. There is nothing to compare with it in all the world.

"May the Lord bless each of you with these marvelous qualities that come of activity in the great Relief Society organization."

Ref. (Gordon B. Hinckley, "In the Arms of His Love," Ensign, Nov. 2006, 118)

Post Date: 4th Feb, 2008 - 10:04pm / Post ID: #

Page 2 Society Relief

"In the January 2004 worldwide leadership training meeting, President Gordon B. Hinckley admonished the women of the Church to 'stand strong and immovable' against the evil that is growing in the world ("Standing Strong and Immovable," Worldwide Leadership Training Meeting, Jan. 10, 2004, 20). Sisters, this is why we must seek to know and feel the Lord's love in our lives. It is why we must remember and treasure up our own experiences with His peace and the strength it brings. And it is why we must relate our own experiences of faith and testimony to our children and to those who are without parents or loved ones."
Ref. (Kathleen H. Hughes, "Remembering the Lord's Love," Ensign, Nov. 2006, 112)

Post Date: 3rd May, 2008 - 12:38pm / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Society Relief


PROVO, Utah - Latter-day Saint women can be a more powerful force for good by walking toward Christ and away from the world, using their influence to define themselves as distinct and happy rather than allowing others to label them. "That means speaking up and reaching out," said Sheri Dew, speaking to thousands at the opening session of the annual Women's Conference at Brigham Young University Thursday.

6th Feb, 2009 - 11:26am / Post ID: #

Relief Society

As a man, I have great respect for Relief Society, as a Church organization, but I keep hearing some of the General Relief Society Presidency say that, Relief Society is the largest woman's organization in the world. This is the tricky part. As a woman's organization, Relief Society is not a very good organization. Where is the "relief" in the Relief Society? I know that in the beginning, it was created to help build, "prettify", and to make the final touches on the Kirtland temple and to "relieve" the men, with lemonade, and lunches. Can't the Relief Society do more? Why isn't there Relief Society sponsored homeless shelters, soup kitchens, or any other "relief" types of buildings or services, like free breasts exams, rape counseling, job skills building . . . Etc? Why aren't there world wide, not just local projects, like teaching people to read? I realize that with a group of untrained people, all with different levels of skill, that doing "feel good" humanitarian projects, like making 48 hour kits, hygiene kits, or other easy projects, makes sense, since doing these simple tasks doesn't take any skill to do, and they make you "feel good" after you are done.
Why does the Relief Society hardly ever talk about, or even just mention, their views on subjects like, abortion, women's rights, domestic abuse, or anything else? As the largest woman's organization, why doesn't the General Relief Society President appear on any major talk show, like Larry King, and make their views known to people outside the Church?
Don't get me wrong, Relief Society, as a Church organization, is great, but as a woman's organization that discusses women's issues, it is poor.

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21st Mar, 2009 - 1:46am / Post ID: #

Relief Society - Page 2

If you want to see how important Relief Society is just imagine Church without them! No one to add the flowers, make sure the children are being looked after, no nice treats at activities and more. I honestly believe some sisters can make great priesthood holders if everything was set up that way. They will possibly do a better job too!

Post Date: 27th Sep, 2009 - 12:25pm / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Relief Society Mormon Doctrine Studies - Page 2

Be charitable, LDS women are urged

Speaking of the great legacy left by early Latter-day Saint women, President Henry B. Eyring asked modern LDS women Saturday evening to be charitable.

"Charity is born of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and is an effect of his Atonement working in the hearts of members," said President Eyring, first counselor in the First Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. "There are many benevolent groups of women who do great good. There are many who have overpowering feelings of sympathy for the unfortunate, the sick and the needy. But (the Relief Society) is unique and has been from its start." Ref. Source 2

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