Introduction DianeC
Hi, thanks you guys, I'm glad to be back!
It was my right hand that I injured, and I thought I could manage okay, as I am left handed, but I was surprised at how many things I do right handed like use a can opener, cut with scissors, and type with 1 finger (which is the one that has been affected the most, and am now having to learn to type with my other hand)
I haven't quite worked out how I managed to shut the trunk on the whole of my hand in the first place, but feel I should be grateful that at least my fingers are still attached *laughs*
My Doctor has told me that I'll probably need physio on my finger, as I have damaged the nerves in it,and keep getting electric shocks through it ,but hey I'm not moaning, there are loads of people out there a heck of a lot worse off.
Thanks for all your caring concerns, best wishes, Diane.