DianeC Introduction Introductions & Member Sharing - Page 17
JB, thanks for asking, the job situation is a 'bit up in the air' at the moment. Basically my boss is self employed, and last month she ran at a loss of thousands for the entire month, so when she said to me that there was only 3 weeks money left before bankruptcy, she said that unless something picked up, then there wasn't going to be a job, but she asked me to give her time to try to sort something out.
Last week, she got some good sales in, which has at least financially secured her until the end of November, so we are both living day to day not knowing week to week if I've still got a job.
At first, I was really concerned and worried, as we rely heavily on my wage, but after searching out local job vacancies for nannies, there doesn't seem to be too much of a shortage in jobs. I have decided to keep looking at what is available, but not act on it until it is really necessary, as I don't want to bail out on the family that I currently work for until there is no work left there. (Hopefully she will manage to salvage her work and get some more good sales in) --Here's hoping!
Best wishes, Diane.