DianeC Introduction Introductions & Member Sharing - Page 21
Thanks for your
support JB and LDS,sorry I got your post just as I was leaving for work, so have had to wait until I got home to reply!
I think that if things don't work out at the school, then home schooling has got to be looked at as an option. The laws on home schooling are very stringent here in the UK though, and you are sent a curriculum to follow, and an annual home inspection report takes place. Part of my Daughter's problem is that she struggles to get on with other children, and always has to be number 1, even if it means cheating-which in turn infuriates other children. I'm hoping that instead of being put down and being under so much negativity, I'm hoping that her new school will have a much more positive approach. I've been informed by another parent that last term, my Daughter had to sit on a 'naughty mat' every day, and she was even put on 'detention' for not finishing off her written work?
(all this when she was just 5, and with special needs)
The main problem is that because she has a 'statement of education' (statemented for special needs) we lose the right to just remove her from a school and place her where we want- it has to be approved by a panel of people.
On the
plus side, it does guarantee that when she moves school (removal at their request) they have to sort her out a teaching assistant to make sure that she gets the same chance of an
education as any other child within the school.
In the mean time, it's just frustrating all round, whilst we wait, and she knows that she's at a school where she's not wanted- the sad thing is that she said to me in June, even before it had been requested she move that she would be going to a new school in September. When I asked her why she said this, her reply was "it's September, and I always have to go to a new school in September". It's sadly true that this will be her 4th school, and she was only 6 in August!
I'll keep you updated to how we go on!
I appreciate your thoughts and ideas!
Best wishes, Diane.