At the moment she is in a mainstream school with a special needs unit.
She attends the special needs unit which consists of 10 kids, and they integrate with the mainstream school at break times and lunch times only.
She receives speech therapy there from an 'inschool therapist'. Basically, I think the problem lies in the fact that these specialists like to 'tick boxes', with a checklist, my Daughter doesn't fit into any particular 'box', an example would be that they have a place at a different school depending on what the problem is-ie: autistic children attend one school, children with behavioral problems attend another,children with speech problems attend another and so on.The problem as I see it, is the fact that she displays several 'needs'.
As her background
history isn't the 'norm' (pre-adoption), I guess they haven't met many kids like her, and don't know quite what to do with her, or where to place her!
The good thing about the new proposed school, is that they've brought her Brother on really well, and seem a lot more relaxed at the thought of her attending the school than any of the other schools that she has attended, I guess only time will tell....
All the best, Diane