Introduction DianeC
Sorry for the delay in replying..thanks for the messages.
I'm getting slightly more improved, but it's a long hard slog!
I've just spent weeks of intensive physio on my arm and shoulder to get some use back in it, and have just gone back to work on the understanding that I have to take it easy..if there's such a thing as easy at work
I'm still having physio, and am on daily painkillers, but at least I've got use in my arm now, albeit painful.
The kids are still having problems, and at the moment are undergoing many tests to see if they have any more underlying problems, so we will see when the results come in a few months time.
I'm quite convinced though that Claire has autism, but I guess time will tell.
We are going through quite a stressful time as a family at the moment, Wayne's Dad was ill in hospital, but they found on Saturday evening that he has a huge tumour in the bowel, so has got only a few hours left. I'd appreciate any prayers for the numbing of pain for his Dad whilst he is going through fading fast.
Thanks and best wishes to all, Diane.