I have to say this whole saga surrounding Harriet Miers amazes me.
I can not believe how politicaly charged appointments for the most important judicial posts are. This can not possibly be in the best interest of the nation, to appoint someone who is only acceptable to an element of the ruling party. This would never happen in my country, I find it a strange process.
George Bush, for whatever reason, nominated a person he felt was in the best interest of his nation. Isn't that his role as President? But he was basically cut down by the conservatives within his party. Not only is this terribly embarrasing for him, and a direct challenge to his power, but it says a lot about democracy, or lack thereof.
Does anybody believe this appointment process is in desperate need of reform? I'm certain if the Democrats did this, which they must surely have done so in the past, Republican supporters would be crying foul.
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