This trial has been going on for years. Things like this need to be taken care of quickly before people suddenly forget what has happened to them. I don't know what to say about it really, he could be guilty as hell or setup you just can't tell these days.
R. Kelly indicted on 10 counts of sexual abuse after a new video allegedly shows him having sex with a 14-year-old girl, reports say. The Cook County, Illinois, indictment, reported by The Chicago Sun-Times and TMZ, comes after decades of allegations, a failed criminal trial, a hashtag campaign, a breakup with his recording label and the airing of the damning film series, "Surviving R. Kelly." Source 5b.
It's about time. I hope for the girls, women, and families he's victimized that he's locked up and the key thrown away. Repeat sexual and violent offenders like him shouldn't get third, fourth, and fifth chances to continue their predation.