Armed with gift cards and a zeal for bargains, shoppers returned to the nation's malls and stores Monday for a second round of the holiday shopping season as retailers hoped for a post-Christmas sales blitz.
Ref. https://www.cnn.com/2005/US/12/26/postchris...g.ap/index.html
What is the matter with people today? Is everything about how fast you can spend your money? I believe that the US Economy is built on this kind of splurging of 'extra' money, but they better watch out, hard times are sure to come and those that cannot spend in this way will feel depressed and hindered unless they release themselves from the urge to spend instead of save.
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 3241 100%
The U.S. is a consumer-driven economy. When people start saving rather than spending, our economy goes "plop." We are no longer a producing economy as we once were, we don't really *make* anything anymore. So much of what we pay for is service-oriented - hair cuts, manicures, auto service and washes, dry cleaning, landscaping, daycare, personal shoppers and trainers, wedding planners, gyms and tanning, etc. -- that if we stop spending, a lot of folks are out of work. In the meantime, many folks are really far over their heads in debt. It's a terrible situation.
International Level: Ambassador / Political Participation: 595 59.5%