Quizzes Online
More quizzes have been added to our database. They can be seen here:
CONTEST: Do you want a Free Plus Membership?
This is open to all new members that have joined
on the 12th November, 2005 and onward within the
month of november, 2005 only. Keep in mind that
regular members can make 15 posts a day, so get s
tarted now:
Special on Upgrading for November, 2005
Is there a difference between a mad bomber and
a suicide bomber? What is your view:
Utah - suicide central?
If you could become another race:
How Hot Are You?
Affiliate Space
Now you can donate towards the development of the Community and get some advertising for your site or favorite charity! At the top of every Skin you will see random ads that can be either in the form of text or a banner. See here for details: https://www.bordeglobal.com/foruminv/index.php?act=bannerads
Chat Live Update
This has been removed, now you should notice the Forum loading faster. It has been replaced with a simple link to the chat room and a '(?)' which shows you who is in the room.
Winter Skin
Flash news and theme banner has been removed to accommodate our new buy ads feature.
Cleared DB
Removed non-posters and recounted all posts. DB optimized. Everyone should see a faster load time.
Special Still On
Although it has been removed from the 'Latest News' section, the 50% off upgrades is still on for the month of November 2005.
Great Investment!
We have the following very valuable domains for sale:
https://www.bordeglobal.com/foruminv/index.php?showforum=182 and https://www.USAWanted.net
They come with a web site suitable for USA searches.
At present it is made with the intention of finding Bail
Bonds Agencies or Bounty Hunters, but this can of
course be changed to anything needed such as: Sales,
Fashion, etc. This is a great investment!
We are looking for offers in order to get cash quickly
for other projects. Feel free to CONTACT US with your
offer in US dollars:
Updated Scripts
Updated some of our codes, and fixed certain things that were not correct.
Other Communities.
We will be adding other Communities soon that are not part of this site, but will have a very different theme. If you would like to be involved with these projects please let us know. At present we are still working on a Spanish Community.
We have a BRAND NEW feature that many can use, but
it will be especially great for those of you who Upgrade!
Now, we have another Portal at:
Yes, that is different our original portal (no 's'):
Probably the nicest feature is being able to maintain
and keep your OWN blog with a look totally different from
the rest of the Community! Check some features:
* Blog (give members their own hosted, full-featured blog)
* Gallery (comment images with categories)
* Shoutbox (post messages in the style of a guestbook)
* Downloads (comment files with categories)
* News (create, manage, rate and comment news articles)
* TopSite (upload, manage, and rate website link banners)
* Reviews (rate and comment reviews with categories)
* Quotes (submit and share inspirational messages)
So check out the New Portal: