Beaten and sodomized: European human rights court finds CIA guilty of torture:
The European Court of Human Rights found the CIA guilty of torturing a terror suspect for the first time ever. A German citizen was illegally detained, tortured and sodomized by a CIA "Rendition team' after being mistaken for an al-Qaeda member. Ref. Source 2
Obama Suppressing 6,000-Page Report on CIA Torture Adopted by Senate Intelligence Committee:
Over a year ago, the Senate Intelligence Committee voted to adopt a historic, 6,000-page report which contains "Startling details" About CIA misdeeds related to its torture program Ref. Source 8
Senators: CIA 'Misleading' Public Over Secret Torture Report:
U.S. Senators openly castigated the Central Intelligence Agency on Tuesday for delaying the release of a long-awaited report on torture and secret prisons during the Bush era. Ref. Source 1
Senate panel votes to declassify part of report on CIA interrogation methods
The Senate Intelligence Committee voted in a closed meeting today to declassify part of a report that details the controversial interrogation and detention methods deployed by the CIA against terror suspects in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks. Ref. USAToday
White House Getting Cold Feet Over Exposing CIA's Torture Secrets:
After seven months of promising to release a report exposing CIA torture of terror suspects, the Obama administration Friday reportedly sent Secretary of State John Kerry to ask Senate Intelligence Committee chair Dianne Feinstein to consider holding off "Because a lot is going on in the world." Ref. Source 3
The CIA's harsh interrogations of detainees during the Bush era didn't work, were more brutal than previously revealed and delivered no "Ticking time bomb" Information that prevented a terrorist attack, according to a new Senate report.
The majority report issued by the Senate Intelligence Committee is a damning condemnation of the "Enhanced interrogation techniques" -- branded as torture by critics -- that the George W. Bush administration deployed in the fear-laden days after the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks against the United States. The techniques, according to the report, were "Deeply flawed" And often resulted in "Fabricated" Information.
Anticipating a backlash across the Middle East with the release of the report, thousands of Marines have been put on a higher state of alert. Ref. CNN