Hello, my name is Serge Ilin. I am a student in a state University in Russia. I am 20 years old and I am on my fouth course. I study computer science and my speciality is computer security.
Why I am here? Well, my hobbi is low-level programming and computer graphics and artificial intellegence. My free time I spent playing computer games or programming (I am almost not interested in anything else...ok, I like drama movies). I like playing RPGs. These are the kind of games where our world is simulated much better and deeper if compared to other types of games. I like them for the feeling they give me, the memories I aquire. I do like simulation and emulation of every kind.
So..I decided to play a text RPG, called World of Medieval. I have never played text games before. That is how I got here.
Welcome Ta Ye Ole' Forum!
So, Ye be seeking Adventure eh? Well meh friend we be ready to have ye onboard. Ye may wish to have a look at our RPG Page for requirements. These links may also be proven useful to such dragon slayers as thyself:
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