I am a high school English educator in my early thirties. I have a bachelor's degree in English Education. I teach at a rural high school, which enrolls seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh, and twelfth graders and teach Language Arts to all six grade levels. It is my first year as a professional educator. I believe to be a great teacher, one must be moved upon (or called) to teach. I understand that it is my role to not only teach overt curricula but to teach covert curricula--manners, morals, self-discipline, eternal truths, etc.--too. I come from a large family and have nine siblings--all of them males.
I have a deep and abiding testimony of the atonement of my Savior Jesus Christ. He is the perfect Teacher because he not only taught with words and stories, but he modeled that which he taught during his mortal sojourn. I look forward to the day when He will come again to earth. I know I am far from perfect and am grateful for the Savior's infinite atoning sacrifice.
I am interested in great stories of faith, service and redemption, particularly in the medium of film. As a type of hobby, I keep up on the latest developments and productions in what is sometimes termed "Mormon Cinema."
I have a very tender heart, which, at times, has caused some to take advantage of me in emotional ways. I also realize this trait has given me a profound way to serve others in teaching and in everyday interactions with family, friends and strangers (friends-to-be).
I am a realist and idealist. I understand there is much heartache and pain in individual lives and the collective world. I also understand there is much love and compassion I have received from various individuals. There is much good to find in the world around me, too.
I love to write, especially poetry. I believe that I inherited this talent from my predecessors. I believe that just as we have biological genetics passed on to us that we have dispositional (perhaps a new word?) genetics passed on to us in areas of emotion, spirit and talent. I love good music and enjoy composing original ballads and happy-sounding songs usually in response to close relationships I have. Six of my brothers are professional musicians and entertainers. Next to love, I believe music is the most universal language in the universe.
Two of my favorite quotes are the following:
"Imagination is more important than knowledge."--Albert Einstein
"Who am I to judge another when I walk imperfectly? In the quiet heart is hidden sorrow that the eye can't see."--Susan Evans McCloud
God builds. The adversary destroys. I would like to be on God's side by seeking to build people and things as much as I can.