When I first read this I could not believe it, when I told my wife about it we immediately started to disagree. this is going to rock a few people's world and of all the places you would have expected this to come from: Provo Utah .
Provo school chiefs approved a new policy governing the formation and oversight of noncurricular school clubs Tuesday, kicking the door open for a Gay-Straight Alliance at Provo High School to continue meeting.
Ref. https://deseretnews.com/dn/view/1%2C3949%2C%2C00.html
The link doesn't work for me, but I went to www.deseretnews.com and then scrolled down until I saw the story. Then this is the link I got: https://deseretnews.com/dn/view/0,1249,635159927,00.html
First, I would like to point out that the law doesn't just apply to a "Gay" club. It is a result of the request to form a Gay-Straight Alliance club that this subject was addressed, but the law applies to all non-curricular high school clubs.
I see nothing wrong with this club if, in fact, they are having problems with abuse as the article mentions. The purpose of this club isn't to recruit homosexuals, but to work on acceptance of those who are homosexual. I think it is good to teach tolerance. I think it needs to be done in a way that doesn't appear to promote the lifestyle, but done in a way that says it isn't cool to beat people up because they live that lifestyle.
Edited: funbikerchick on 9th Nov, 2005 - 5:29pm