Anybody speak or learning Japanese? I've been trying to teach myself for a couple of years now, and I recently figured out verbs (yay me), but I doubt I could really hold a conversation past "Hi, how are you?" Well, I was just wondering if anyone else here was interested in Japanese.
The most close I have come to learning Japanese was when I was participating in Martial Arts a long time ago. We had to know all the Japanese names for punch, kick, numbers, etc. Never had a crave for it and it is all forgotten now, but you must have a lot of patience some of those words sound funny.
Drizzy, one of my nieces taught herself Chinese and Spanish, and I believe she is now working on Japanese, as well as learning to play the piano. She works for a radio station translating English to Spanish, and has recently completed training to work as a translator for the courts. She has entered competitions and won awards for her Chinese abilities. She's awesome And only 19!
I wish you great luck with your learning -- look at what it can lead to!
Wow... now that awakens one of my deadly sins (from the joke board about deadly sins) called, 'Envy'. It is one thing to learn a language, but definitely another to teach yourself!
Offtopic but, Did you ever invite her here? It would be nice to learn her 'secrets' or point of views. |
It is one thing to learn a language, but definitely another to teach yourself! |
Offtopic but, No, I hadn't thought of it. I'm not sure how much computer time she has at home, but I will find out. |
There's a Japanese guide I put up in the downloads section, it's a travel guide but contains a page or two of simple Japanese phrases to learn.
It's not written by me so don't ask me any questions about the language - all I know is sianara and I've probably spelt that wrong