Forgot Your Birthday?
What would you do if you noticed during the day that everyone in your family really forgot your Birthday?
It has never happened to me...but I have forgotten my birthday once and didn't realize it until the day was almost over...so now we have week long celebrations .!
But if everyone did forget it wouldn't matter unless it was my husband that forgot! I'd just be disappointed...really, really disappointed! It is quite hard to imagine the worst as no one has forgotten it as of yet!
I have had my birthday forgotten. I forgive my family, but as a younger child getting thrust into the arms of someone else for the day being left alone in a strange house on your birthday gives you very good grounds to cry. Plus, their reason for forgetting was noble. They were helping people sandbag during a flood so I forgave them on my next birthday. But it was a tramatic experience. Edited: WearyKnight on 1st Dec, 2005 - 4:48pm
I don't think it would really make too much of a difference if my family forgot my birthday because they haven't really paid any mind to it the past few years anyways. I've gotten a "Happy Birthday" and a tire for my car, and that was really it. My birthday hasn't felt festive since I was about 13.
As much as my birthday has always meant to me and how happy I am every year that I can celebrate the survival of one more year, I couldn't really be upset about people not remembering it. I have such a hard time remembering everyone elses birthdays, how could I blame them for having a memory like mine?
Also, the last few years I have celebrated more on my spiritual day of birth than I have my birthday.