Keith Urban
How do you rate the country rocker type of music of Keith Urban?
Keith Urban is close to rock with a country accent. My wife loves country so I am familiar with his music. He is unique also in that he is an Australian country star, which is rare. As far as country goes, he is one of my favorites due to his rock style country.
I enjoy is music. I am a country fan, though I'm certainly no expert. He has a unique voice that catches my attention every time I hear it on the radio. He just released a new song within the past month.
Not only is Keith Urban a popular and talented singer, but has anyone paid any attention to his guitar skills . He shows his true talent in his six-string. The man plays riffs that a lot of guitar players would not attempt. Listen closely next time you listen to one of Keith's songs, and listen for that amazing guitar sound. I like his sound, and he is one of the artists closing the gap between country and most mainstream music. Enjoy!