Don't let that pretty face fool you, the woman is the devil in human form. Anytime you're messing with under aged children, yes children, we seem to think that because they are teens they are not children, then you are robbing the cradle and being selfish. Ever stopped to think why she would leave her man to pick up on a kid? Maybe she wasn't getting the control she wanted in the bedroom, she wants to be in charge of the situation.
International Level: New Activist / Political Participation: 11 1.1%
In some parts of the world, beautiful women are stereotyped as having a slender frame, blonde hair and blue eyes. I suppose this is why Debra Lafave is receiving so much publicity. The problem is, people seem to be obsessing over her physical appearance rather than the actual crime she committed. The only good that may come out of this case is, I hope that people on the whole, will realize the importance of not judging a book by its cover. Too many times, people in society tend to stereotype criminals as disfigured, hideous, filthy and untidy in appearance. Debra Lafave is the perfect example of a cold blooded, attractive and well dressed criminal, who uses her looks to seduce and manipulative her young and naive victims.
When I gaze upon those two pictures of Debra LaFave, all I see is a cold, calculating individual with no conscience. The link that LDS provided which shows Debra Lafave smiling, looks very robot like and you do not see any warmth or sincerity reflected in the picture. Evil has many faces and Debra Lafave represents just one of them....
International Level: New Activist / Political Participation: 14 1.4%
Debra Lafave Violated Probation, but Will Stay Out of Jail
Original Post Date: 10th Jan, 2008 - 9:28pm
This happens when you are a blond with blue eyes and a pretty face. Will the outcome be the same if she was a man?
International Level: Politics 101 / Political Participation: 9 0.9%