![Today's Top Poster Today's Top Poster](/board/YaBBImages/icons/pencil.gif)
I am not sure that if a study over just a few weeks would be an acurate account of this. I know personally in the last few weeks I have posted very little as I have not been online much with any extent on time. Traveling for work and so many other things going on. I do admit though, if other members have posted rather than the bots I am more prone to post more accordingly. I do not believe that it would relate only to yourself but to any member. (Just my opinion.)
I look at the top poster page when I'm on. But not until I'm logging off. To be honest, its interesting to find out who has posted the most, and who has just posted a little. My post count is negligible to me, I get on spurts were everything sparks an opinion, and sometimes, nothing does. My high counts are often two different days for me. I get off at five in the morning and sleep all day. That means if I post when I go to bed, and post when I get up, the content has usually significantly changed in the 8-10 hours in bed, and I have something else to post about. The actual post count is not important, so sometimes I only have a few posts. But I always make my way to the top posters. But its never been a competition to win, posting to post the most devalues my comments, in my opinion.
Well, maybe sometimes I get post competitive, but very rarely, I promise!
Ranks Legend
I recently came across a page I have not seen in a long time, you may not have either: Ranks Legend. This page allows you to see what post count you need in order to have the designated title such as Tester / Peeper / Editor / etc.
I used to pay a lot of attention to the Top Poster's page in the beginning. However, now I don't really check it that often. Every now and then I'll check to see who has posted for the day, not because I want to see how many they have posted, but simply whether they had posted.
I sometimes check who are the top posters of the day, but just out of interest.Some days I post more than others, but this will only be because there are topics on, that I am really interested in, or may have a bit of knowledge in.other days, I will hardly post anything, even though I may have the time to do so, and mainly the reason for this might be that I would feel 'out of my depth' even attempting to add anything. A good example of this would be the politics board
Recently, I was asked why some Posters have a Post rate count that is high for the day, but not visible posts that can be seen in the Community. The answer for this is because sometimes if the Member is Upgraded and there is a Hot Topic within the Mature or Secret Boards then you will not see the posts they have made if you do not have permission to do so.
Hmm, I did not know this existed before, but now that I've seen it I want to be on it! Though it would be hard for me because I usually don't have much time to spend here. I think it is a motivator for competitive spirits, which I wish I didn't have...