Akta Introduction

Akta Introduction - Introductions, Member Sharing - Posted: 22nd Dec, 2005 - 3:53am

Text RPG Play Text RPG ?

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Post Date: 22nd Dec, 2005 - 3:46am / Post ID: #

Akta Introduction
A Friend

Akta Introduction

Welcome to my introduction. May I first congratulate you on you fine choice of reading material? Good form! Time to get started! Now, make sure you are sitting down and comfortable. Ensure that you can devote your entire attention for at least the next 5 minutes. This *will* be the single most important thing in your do in your entire life. Period. No exceptions. wink.gif

While Akta is the name of my main character, I prefer to address my OOC self online with the moniker Riflip. I do this for 3 main reasons:
1. It sounds cool. Say it a few times, go ahead. You know you were thinking about it. It has such a flippant, happy ring to it.
2. It is gender neutral. It takes people longer to classify you into a convenient sterotype when they can't remember what gender you are....
3. It makes me feel smart! Its a fancy science term and very few people know what it means. Would you like to be one of them? Then read on! It means: Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism. In layman's terms, they are the little pieces of junk DNA in your genome that don't do anything important and they are different for each of us.

Ok. By now you might be saying. "She has definitely been a science dork at some stage in her life." You would be correct! In fact, I have always been and will always be. I began life as a "smart-kid" in school. I continued in this vein as a science major in college (Biology, from University of Texas at Arlington.) As much fun as college was (from what I was sober enough to remember anyway) I eventually had to get one of those job things...so that I could have one of those paycheck things that I like so much. I am now a science dork at the professional level, stuffing knowledge into the head of highly resistant and ungrateful high school students.

When I am not engaged in the above occupation, I have a wonderful family. My husband and I just celebrated our 3rd anniversary. Our son, Eddy, is one and a half and, aside from showing early signs of genius, is certified as the most perfect thing in the universe.

It the few seconds that pass as my free time I enjoy reading, Tae Kwon Do and any kind of RPG I can get my hands on. See a reality escapist theme yet? My favorite reading is mind-rotting trashy romance novels, the cheesier the better! I am a 3rd degree brown belt in Tae Kwon Do, and help teach at my Academy 4 times a week. As for RPG, I have been rather starved as of late, thus explaining my enterance here. My loved ones had to stage an intervention to haul me away from FFXI a few months ago. It has been generally agreed that I can handle a slow return to online gaming as long as I behave myself. ::sigh::

And now, a few notes about my favorite character, Akta. Akta is a Dryad (or wood sprite.) She was born from her Life Tree into her current form, unchanging and ageless, roughly 60 years past. Despite her advanced age, her lifestlye maintians a childlike disposition, with only the occasional cynical glint in her eyes belying the truth. A forest home will be required. So if some kind stranger would point me in the right direction for that I would be much obliged.

Also, I have never RPed in a post forum before. It has always been live chat or real time text or graphic interface. Any pointers would be much appriciated.

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Post Date: 22nd Dec, 2005 - 3:50am / Post ID: #

Introduction Akta

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Post Date: 22nd Dec, 2005 - 3:53am / Post ID: #

Akta Introduction
A Friend

Akta Introduction Sharing Member & Introductions

Wow, what an introduction! Welcome to the forums. You definately seem to have your act together. If you took this much time and effort to put into your introduction, I can't wait to see what you with the topics at hand.

> TOPIC: Akta Introduction


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