Hi there. I'm aware at this point that you are reading this because the message before I began to wrote this stated that I had to give an introduction in an intelligent format. Oh how I love this site already!
First of all, I'm from Washington State, but not for long. I plan on moving to North Carolina for a part in College: Part 2. In this sequel, I continue my advancement to a position in today's modern Anthropology field, specifically the sub-field of Archaeology. In this sequel, I'm going to do better, strive harder, have more motivation, seek more influential wisdom, and maintain a consistent drive toward my goals. . .
Then the other me comes in. That me just wants to do whatever the hell it wants to. Forget the books, forget the nonsense of other more experienced and intelligent beings that always seek to better me. Nah, don't need them. I can do what I want, when I want and where I want. How I want to do it comes in there somewhere too. That's what happens to sequels, something always comes along to make it worse than the first one. In this case, it's me #2.
Me #3 has a special place. It's my roleplaying interest. This is the part of me that makes sure number 1 goes away, and number 2 keeps it together.
This is my escapism; my sanity; my road of broadened horizons.
We three funks funk sophisticatedly before reality becomes the road for the unimaginative.