University of Notre Dame

University Notre Dame - Sciences, Education, Art, Writing, UFO - Posted: 20th Oct, 2009 - 3:33am

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Post Date: 15th Apr, 2009 - 11:38pm / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

University of Notre Dame

Notre Dame

Notre Dame President Refuses to Meet With Students Objecting to Inviting Pro-Abortion Obama

South Bend, IN ( -- An ad hoc group of several Notre Dame students organizations says University of Notre Dame president, Rev. John Jenkins, has refused their request for a meeting. The students want to talk to Jenkins about his invitation to pro-abortion President Barack Obama to give the commencement speech next month and receive an honorary degree. The leaders of ND Response, a broad coalition of Notre Dame student groups founded to oppose the Obama invitation, sent Jenkins a letter confirming their interest in discussing their concerns with him. The students received word back that Jenkins would meet with them but only in a limited, closed-door fashion. The pro-life student group also requested that, before any potential meeting, Notre Dame officials release a statement signifying that the university will appoint a "pro-life ombudsman" to ensure that proper attention is paid to pro-life issues in both Notre Dame's teaching and research. "These requests were intended to lead the University into making gestures of goodwill that would facilitate our productive discussion and demonstrate President Jenkins" genuine interest in transparent dialogue," ND Response spokeswoman Mary Daly said. ND Response indicates that Father Jenkins has now sent a private letter to the 12 campus groups comprising ND Response in which he denied the students" requests for dialogue on the issues surrounding the university's invitation to President Obama. In the letter Father Jenkins wrote that "conditions for constructive dialogue simply do not exist" and that students could disregard his earlier invitations to meet with him. Ref. Source 1

University of Notre Dame
University of Notre Dame (Hover)

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Post Date: 3rd May, 2009 - 1:00pm / Post ID: #

Dame Notre University

Notre Dame's Obama invite riles bishops
Religious Based News

This coming week, Bishop Thomas Wenski of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Orlando, will take the unusual step of celebrating a Mass to atone for Notre Dame's decision to honor President Obama. Source: Faith & Reason: Top Stories & Community Feed

4th May, 2009 - 11:30am / Post ID: #

University of Notre Dame UFO & Writing Art Education Sciences

This should rile up the bishops, but it was really set in stone about the time of the Summer of Love. Dig on this MAN!

In 1967, a group of Catholic educators, led by Notre Dame President Theodore M. Hesburgh, met at Land O'Lakes, Wis., and formally declared their independence from the Catholic Church. Alas, their motives were less than noble. Just two years before, LBJ's Omnibus Education Act had opened the floodgates to federal funding of higher education, and Catholic colleges wanted a place at the trough. Notre Dame quickly adopted a lay board of trustees so it could receive federal money, and only a year later the other shoe fell when numerous Notre Dame faculty and religious roundly denounced Humanae Vitae

So in order to get some of that Fed money, they sold their soul. Sounds pretty familiar! Oh and Humanea Vitae is basically the ruling finalized by Pope Paul VI that stated the church's position on abortion, contraception and other issues pertaining to human life. As you can imagine, it was a big no for abortion and contraception. The faculty at the Catholic school of higher learning thought otherwise.

So we get to today...40 years later...and surprise (not really) the univeristy is giving a man that obstained on a vote for partial birth abortions (guess he just couldnt figure out if it was right or wrong...interesting moral compas) a opportunity to address the graduating students and pick up a honorary degree! Maybe it is a big jump but take a look why:

Since announcing Obama's acceptance. Fr. Jenkins has been deluged with phone calls, e-mails, and letters denouncing his decision and requesting that he rescind the invitation. Within days, 160.000 people signed an online petition at and Notre Dame students began planning a series of events addressing Obama's policies that have already proven him to be the most pro-death president in U.S. history.

Not that any of this will bother Fr. Jenkins. Notre Dame's administration these days is thoroughly intimidated by the increasingly left-wing and non- Catholic faculty, which apparently expects to be running the school within a generation.

The reasons are simple. Consider the CSCs: The Catholic News Service incorrectly reports that Notre Dame is 'run by the Congregation of Holy Cross.' Sorry, that ended 40 years ago, when federal money required that the congregation not run the school. Moreover, vocations to the CSCs are dwindling to the point that, in 40 more years' priests on the faculty will be a rare anachronism.

So the truth is there...Notre Dame isnt really a Catholic university any longer. That stopped the day that they traded values for Federal Funding. Oh, it is a school and a good just isnt Catholic any more. Hmmm...interesting thought and one that resonates within the Catholic Church. Yes, the 80 Million in Federal Money, NBC sports telecast deal that pays more than the alumni and a faculty that could care less and actually destain the teachings of the church all amount to a school that likely should not be allowed to be called a Catholic University.

It is a good article and point of view with nice detailing of the trail of money...

Source 2

I do hope they ask for all religious symbols to be removed near our president (as was the case in Georgetown). Maybe Obama can buy an indulgence at the end of the ceremony and all will be good.

Reconcile Edited: Vincenzo on 4th May, 2009 - 11:36am

Post Date: 15th May, 2009 - 11:20am / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Dame Notre University

Text of Notre Dame Honorary Degree Praises Barack Obama, Excludes Abortion

South Bend, IN ( -- The text of the honorary degree President Barack Obama will receive on Sunday at the Notre Dame graduation ceremony lauds the president on some political issues. However, it fails to mention Obama's extensive pro-abortion record and his faith to uphold the pro-life teachings of the Catholic Church. It says Obama's "historic election opened a new era of hope in a country long divided by its history of slavery and racism." "A community organizer who honed his advocacy for the poor, the marginalized and the worker in the streets of Chicago, he now organizes a larger community, bringing to the world stage a renewed American dedication to diplomacy and dialogue with all nations and religions committed to human rights and the global common good," the text reads. "Through his willingness to engage with those who disagree with him and encourage people of faith to bring their beliefs to the public debate, he is inspiring this nation to heal its divisions of religion, culture, race and politics in the audacious hope for a brighter tomorrow," the text concludes. However, when it comes to the human rights of women and unborn children victimized by abortion, there is no mention of Obama's record. Ref. Source 2

Post Date: 15th May, 2009 - 12:57pm / Post ID: #

University of Notre Dame
A Friend

Dame Notre University

I believe that Obama getting a honorary degree from Notre Dame is plain wrong. IF your going to hand out honorary degrees to those who do not deserve them then might as well start with the bums down the street in South Bend.

Post Date: 18th May, 2009 - 3:32pm / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

University of Notre Dame

Obama tackles abortion debate

SOUTH BEND, Ind. - Amid a scattering of protests over his support for abortion rights, President Barack Obama addressed the issue head-on yesterday during his commencement address at the University of Notre Dame, calling for "open hearts, open minds, fair-minded words" in the pursuit of "common ground." Ref. Source 9

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Post Date: 24th May, 2009 - 11:56pm / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

University Notre Dame

Obama Covers Up Pro-Abortion Record at Notre Dame, Heckled During Speech

South Bend, IN ( -- After weeks of intense opposition and controversy surrounding President Barack Obama's commencement speech at the University of Notre Dame, Obama did what many observers expected him to do. He attempted to seek middle ground in the abortion debate and covered up his extensive pro-abortion record. Obama's speech began with another expected turn of events -- hecklers. As Obama began his graduation speech by thanking Notre Dame officials, a handful of pro-life advocates in the crowd stood up one by one and urged the president to reform his pro-abortion views. Four people, including Joseph Landry and Andrew Beacham, shouted "abortion is murder" and "stop killing babies" before being escorted from the auditorium by security officials. Once the president waded into the section of his speech reserved for abortion, Obama retreated to his pre-election rhetoric and sophistry by expressing a yen for a middle ground on abortion. Obama related a story about how a Christian, pro-life doctor emailed him about a comment on his web site saying Obama should "speak about this issue in fair-minded words." Obama said "fair-minded words" were missing from the abortion debate and that, while he "didn't change my position" on abortion after hearing from the physician, he rededicated himself to finding "common ground" on abortion. But Benjamin Clapper, the director of Louisiana Right to Life, told after the speech that Obama has not been dedicating to finding common ground or using "fair-minded words" since becoming president. He said, "President Obama is saying one thing and doing another. By requiring the taxpayer funding of abortion overseas and embryonic stem cell research, President Obama's actions are anything but 'fair-minded.'" Ref. Source 6

Post Date: 20th Oct, 2009 - 3:33am / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

University Notre Dame Sciences Education Art Writing & UFO

Notre Dame President Gets Second Term Despite Honoring Pro-Abortion Obama

South Bend, IN ( -- The controversy at Notre Dame University where the Catholic school gave an honorary degree to pro-abortion President Barack Obama and allowed him to give the school's commencement address apparently didn't hurt ND president John Jenkins' standing. On Friday, Jenkins was appointed to a second term as Notre Dame's president. The decision drew immediate condemnation from pro-life Catholics who are outraged that the educational institution went against the pro-life teachings of the Catholic Church. "Notre Dame has suffered terribly in recent years because of a lack of leadership and commitment to its Catholic identity," said Patrick J. Reilly, president of the Cardinal Newman Society. He told, "The Board of Trustees has once again neglected their responsibility to uphold Notre Dame's Catholic mission by reelecting a president who has displayed public disrespect for the bishops and has permitted repeated scandals including the honors to President Obama." Father Jenkins was elected to a five-year term as president of Notre Dame on April 30, 2004, becoming the university's 17th president. Chairman Richard Notebaert announced last Friday that the University of Notre Dame Board of Trustees elected Fr. Jenkins to serve a second five-year term. Ref. Source 7

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