Hello, I'm a burgeoning marine biology student and lifeguard from California. I've been playing RPGs and video games, etc. Since I was little, only recently moving into the realm of text-based and forum roleplaying, and I find the storytelling and freedom more then refreshing. Unfortunately, my old board degraded, both in quality and management, and because of that I have come looking for greener pastures as it were.
Obviously, from the previous statement I'm mostly here in the idea of roleplaying, but I am interested in a lot of the other things I've so far seen on this site and will most likely at least take a look and some of them. I hope here I can find a group of people I can write and create with, and if I'm lucky, have fun doing so.
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Welcome to the boards! It's always great to have another RPer on the boards. I hope you can get your 30 constructive posts and keep up a 75% participation rate.