Wallet or Purse
What kind of wallet or purse do you use? Is it made out of genuine leather? Does it have grips or snaps to close it? Does it have a place to keep pictures and coins?
My wallet is a genuine leather wallet with no snaps or any other feature outside of a place for picture ID. I don't need a wallet with all kinds of special stuff, just something that will last and will hold my cards and cash. It does that well, and its going on six years old with no holds or really bad wears in it. It wasn't expensive either, I spent ten bucks on it.
It seems like every 2 years I am getting a new wallet for Christmas. I usually get a simple wallet that can hold the usual; credit cards, drivers license, money and some pictures. However, I tend to stuff things into my wallet, like receipts, gift cards, coupons, and that shortens the life-span of it. That's the main reason I haven't gotten a really expensive wallet yet, because I go through so many of them.
I don't tend to carry a purse round with me, I tend to forget it when I put it down
At the moment I have got a pocket size zip up wallet, made of leather, which has enough room with a squeeze to hold a couple of cards, as well as some coins.
I find it a lot easier to not forget it as I always have it in my pocket!
I have a big purse that's actually more of a tote bag. It carries wallet and all essentials I might need like an address book and date calendar (no, JB, not THAT kind of date! ) and now, of course, a huge key ring - as well as having enough room to stow my scriptures in on Sundays.
My wallet is the checkbook size, fold-over-and-snap type that is always too full to actually snap. Receipts, pictures, cards of all types, notes, account printouts from the bank's online service, etc., just crammed in there. I clean it out once a month or so, and I've had this one for maybe five years. It's starting to fray here and there.
Who needs a purse, honey, when a man is available? I prefer them tall, dark, and financially independent
I use a wallet and a purse. I think most women are this way. Tonight I bought a new purse and had a hard time choosing one that I liked. A purse has to be cute AND efficient. There has to be two or three major compartments which should be closed with zippers. Within one of the major compartments there should be a smaller zipped compartment for items that the purse owner wants separate and concealed. There should also be atleast one extra little compartment without a zipper, where you can set your keys or phone and easily be able to access them. When your items are organized you are happier and can get through your tasks easier.