Lawful Good
This is a general Thread to Discuss anything related to the Dungeons & Dragons Alignment: Lawful Good, please share your thoughts about Lawful Good.
Lawful good characters are the most important resource for a Dm. Anytime you want the party to do something but you want to leave the impression that they did that choice by themselves, just put in a bait for your lawful good character.
I can't see how you can enjoy being a lawful good character. You like pretty much have to do everything everyone around you says unless you try to break out of it. Usually lawful good characters get some pretty awesome magical weapons though.
No special rules about deities for lawful good characters. They are just like any other. They're not like robots: the alignment describes the general view of life of a character, is not a rigid scheme that he always have to follow.
In my ten years of Dungeon Mastering, I have only ever had two players try a Lawful Good character, and they both started new characters shortly thereafter. They were Paladins, so they had to be strict with their moral code in order to retain their powers. It seems to be a Paladin would work best as party leader, and would have to be active in the decision making. Both players who tried Paladins with me had issues because the rest of the party were of varying alignments, and something like stealing a horse (for example) was simply out of the question.
Being lawful good and being a paladin are two completely different situations. Not all the lawful good characters are paladins and most of them would be willing to steal a horse if strictly necessary or if the horse belonged to an evil owner.
Something I noticed dungeon mastering is that often people is confused about what is the alignment and how to treat it. A good character is not always good at any cost just like an evil character is not 100% evil. People tend to create chaotic good characters and role play them in the wrong way.