Torn Armor fantasy skirmish miniature game
Based on your experiences what for you was the Torn Armor fantasy skirmish miniature game's rating, pros and cons?
Torn Armor Fantasy Skirmish Miniature Game (Hover)
The core boxed set of Torn Armor Fantasy Skirmish Miniature Game includes:
39 x highly-detailed miniatures
1 x Full color rule book
1 x Full color scenario book
4 x double-sided color battle posters
8 x Magical Item cards
8 x Spell cards
5 dice of 5 different colors (25 dice in total)
At the Ghost & Riftblade pledge level, the two Mercenary faction minotaur brothers are included.
Miniatures are pre-assembled and unpainted.
Torn Armor Fantasy Skirmish Miniature Game (Hover)
Full game play demonstration of Torn Armor Fantasy Skirmish Miniature Game:
Torn Armor looks like it could be some fun but the way they like did the video is so monotone that I couldn't go beyond the first 5 minutes. I started scanning through to see if they could at least do some close ups and no... Just one shot the whole way through.