DaMoose Introduction

Damoose Introduction - Introductions, Member Sharing - Posted: 21st Dec, 2005 - 5:48pm

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Posts: 4 - Views: 642
Post Date: 21st Dec, 2005 - 5:08pm / Post ID: #

DaMoose Introduction
A Friend

DaMoose Introduction

Filling out the prerequisite into-
Name's Nate Petersen, from Michigan, aged 21 going on 22, non drinker believe it or not; spent my 21st birthday working and watching Kenshin with my girlfriend. Something of an insane workaholic with a severe case of nostolgia (should see the shelf of Transformers above me now and the closet full of toys. Yea). I work as a cell phone salesman and an author/designer of games. Don't play as much as I'd like, mostly cause I burn myself out writing.
I designate my religious beliefs as Lutheran, mostly cause Martin Luther is the closest person I can align my faith to - "Admit you screwed up, say you're sorry, mean it, and all is good". Usually butt heads with exteme conservatives and can usually get my mostly athiest or Wiccan friends to concede points (which they never do with anyone else not sharing their beliefs).
Likewise, I'm more of a middle of the road Republican. Yes, I voted for the Texan, but mostly because I thought if anyone should be cleaning up the messes it should be the one who made them- changing things up midgame would just screw the pooch royally. Number of things I agree with the party on, but not why the party advocates it. Abortion as a means of birth control is irresponsible and immature, but it has its place as a medical practice for saving lives. Gun laws are perfectly reasonable as is and don't neccesarily need to be altered in any direction- just enforce what we have. Criminals don't care about selling drugs or using coke, why would they care if the model of gun they own is illegal? Probably isn't registered in the first place. Course too, I have a single rifle I use for hunting I take out once a year, so I don't get the people with a million weapons.

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Post Date: 21st Dec, 2005 - 5:15pm / Post ID: #

Introduction DaMoose

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Post Date: 21st Dec, 2005 - 5:17pm / Post ID: #

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DaMoose Introduction Sharing Member & Introductions

Welcome to the Community. That was quite an intro. Please do update your profile and feel free to ask any questions you may have within this thread after checking the FAQ Board. All the best.

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Post Date: 21st Dec, 2005 - 5:48pm / Post ID: #

DaMoose Introduction
A Friend

Introduction DaMoose

Wow, that was a very informative intro! Nice! It's not unfathomable to meet a 21 year old who doesn't drink. I don't either. smile.gif Welcome to the forums! You seem like you will grace the boards with a well informed opinion! I look forward to reading your posts.

> TOPIC: DaMoose Introduction


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