Supergirl - The Movie

Supergirl Movie - Movies, Music, Fashion, Sports - Posted: 10th Feb, 2006 - 10:57pm

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Post Date: 9th Feb, 2006 - 1:58pm / Post ID: #

Supergirl - The Movie

Supergirl - The Movie

What is your review for the movie: Supergirl?

About: Supergirl heads to earth to recover the Omegaheadron, which is the power source for her home world.

Faye Dunaway .... Selena
Helen Slater .... Kara/Supergirl/Linda Lee
Peter O'Toole .... Zaltar
Mia Farrow .... Alura


Supergirl - The Movie
Supergirl - The Movie (Hover)

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10th Feb, 2006 - 10:57pm / Post ID: #

Movie - Supergirl

I remember watching this movie several times. Faye Dunaway did a great job but I thought that the actress who played Supergirl made the character look way too "naive" to the point of making her look like a fool rather than a girl of another planet. Overall, the movie was pretty okay.

> TOPIC: Supergirl - The Movie


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