Custom Cards
Here is a fantastic site (link below) where you can learn how to make cards and envelopes out of plain paper in different shapes and sizes. This is great for all kinds of projects, they even have templates!
See: https://www.ruthannzaroff.com/mirkwooddesigns/templates.htm
If you try any of them, please do show us your finished work.
JB, I do believe that you mentioned in your blog that you passed out some cards this year that you had made. Is this where you made them, with these templates? If so could you share some of your completed work with us also? I will be checking out the links later on and will definitely share anything that I can create.
I did not use the templates listed on the site above, but I did come across it looking for ideas and the first thing came to mind was that the Members here may be interested in something like it for projects. I also noted it as a good source.
Offtopic but, I did think about showing my cards, but at this time I do not have a scanner or camera, so maybe next time. |