International Level: New Activist / Political Participation: 10 1%
Incredible. Is interesting to know the reason that pushed this teenager to kill his younger brothers even only to try to understand what happened in his mind and why. From the descriptions given by neighbors and schoolmates he looks like a normal young guy but in these cases is often like that. What a tragedy.
International Level: Politics 101 / Political Participation: 6 0.6%
No, definitely. But still the signals might have been difficult to catch or recognize. Is a little bit too early to express a clear opinion so I will wait for further details before making up my mind. Even if, in cases like this, a reader like we are can probably only guess and speculate.
International Level: Politics 101 / Political Participation: 6 0.6%
I wasn't able to read the article though but this a bad and sad story, but why the older brother will want to do such a thing to his own brothers? I mean, is he mad or he has some kind of big purpose of doing this? Edited: Felipe on 24th May, 2013 - 6:59pm
International Level: Envoy / Political Participation: 240 24%