Hey everybody,
My real first name is Chandra, though I basically go by Rhoswyn in forums for the sake of my character when I roleplay. I'm sixteen and am in my sophomore year of high school. I'm into the subjects of Literature and Spanish. I like reading, writing, drawing, cruising, and hanging out. I came here for the sake of roleplaying. I like the medieval fantasy genre best, though there are a few others I've participated in. I have my own medieval fantasy roleplay site, but it isn't doing to well with only two active members. I'd post the link, but I'm not sure if I'm allowed to... I clicked on a link that implied it would answer my question but it didn't, so I think it's best to play safe rather than sorry. Anyway, I think I overdid this, but I'm looking forward to meeting everyone and learning more about this site so I can be an active participant. Thanks for listening.
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