Favorite USA Bookstore
Which is your favorite US Bookstore chain?
Barnes & Noble
Book Off USA
Books Inc.[11]
Deseret Book, also operates Seagull Book
Family Christian Stores
Half Price Books
Hastings Entertainment
Hudson News (airports and train stations)
Joseph-Beth Booksellers
Powell's Books
Schuler Books & Music
Shakespeare and Company
Strand Book Store
LifeWay Christian Resources
Tree of Life Christian Outlet
For religious related books, my favorite is Deseret Book, they always have everything I need so I'm happy.
Barnes & Noble is good but a bit too high priced. I tend to support some of the local book shops rather than Barnes & Noble which is mostly in the malls.
We have Barnes & Noble and Half Price Books near us. I really like B&N because it also has the cafe. I can sit and read and just relax. HPB is good for finding books that may not be in B&N and at a cheaper price. They also have movies, music, some toys, and stuff like that. Any book store is great, in my opinion!