Mount Vernon Interstate 5 bridge collapse
The Washington State Patrol says the Interstate 5 bridge over the Skagit River at Mount Vernon has collapsed, dumping vehicles and people into the water. Trooper Mark Francis says he doesn't know whether there are any injuries or deaths. It's unclear what caused the collapse. Ref. USAToday
A bridge doesn't just collapse like that unless it was meant to because of some illegal intervention or no one inspected it and it had a long time fault. I hope this is not as bad as I'm picturing it in my mind.
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Oversized truck caused US bridge collapse
The major link between the US and Canadian sides of the Pacific Northwest region was severed after a bridge collapsed, dumping a handful of vehicles and people into a river, police said. Ref. Source 3
I-5 Bridge Collapse Shows Bridge Repair Needs Across U.S:
The bridge collapse on Interstate 5 north of Seattle this week highlighted the nation's aging infrastructure and the lack of significant improvements in the six years since 13 people died when a Minnesota span fell. Ref. Source 2