Name: Mom
Comments: I like the Hulk autism tantrum comparison. I never thought about it like that but it is very comparable. I bite my nails hoping that at some stage soon my son is able to control it somehow. I don't want to see him carrying this into his teen years or even adulthood. Scared mom.
Counseling for this is a must but there should be places established to give you all some kind of relief so you're not dealing with this all the time. I don't mean to sound ignorant or insensitive but do autistic children reach the stage of needing a straight jacket, maybe if they have these Hulk tantrums often?
Anonymous Customer Pays for Bill of Family With Special Needs Child
Earlier this week, CNN reported that an anonymous customer at the Stag & Doe restaurant in China Grove, North Carolina, paid the bill of a family who was out to eat with their son, Riley England, who has special needs. The England family also brought younger son, Logan, and a grandparent and great-grandparent to dinner that night.
During dinner, the family experienced the challenging but typical behavior that Riley, who is non-verbal and suffers from epilepsy, exhibits. Riley was frustrated and hungry, and as a result he was acting out. Being non-verbal, his frustration often leads to screaming and fits. Ref. Source 8
I know it's very hard to watch for most people, but is harder to deal with it. Nobody wants to do this to their own child in order to control them and calm them, but as you see, as the child grows and gets stronger there is really little that can be done with or without medication.
In this case, the body pressure that is being used against his body is what is calming him down. Most of the time, balls are used to produce the same effect or like in the case of Temple Gardin a special machine being built to produce it.
Like anything else, it must be done calmly and not in anger and definitely being very careful in not physically harm the autistic person.
Most people just don't understand autism because the child is not suffering from a disease so they deem your situation as 'not so bad'.
Another video showing how the child is restrained and how a swinging motion also helps. The dog and sibling are very patient with what is going on, in my situation it is all the opposite - when one has a tantrum they also start to have tantrums and I do feel like hiding under a rock when it occurs, no I'm not kidding.