I still haven't used the Auto-SRD yet, but will soon.
I have created a new topic for the next chapter. So could the usual additions be placed on Rivers Run Red, and the Stolen Lands topic be closed? If the maps don't carry over, they can be removed - I have copies saved.
Secondly I found that on the Home Base notes, the formatting remains saved, but does not display. Newlines are just gone.
Similar on the maps, except each word gets capitalised and it's saved that way.
JB, would closing the topic have prevented me from starting an SRD? Because it's coming up with the error "This is not an Role-playing Game Thread so it cannot have Maps". When I click the "No, thanks" button it always redirects me to the closed Stolen Land topic.
I have not checked the code yet but I believe you are right. This would prevent old Game Masters from opening new SRDs on closed games. I will need to add an adjustment and update it in this Thread: Text Role-playing Game Creator Auto SRD Reference as I did not plan on one Campaign using multiple open and closed Threads.
No, no, nothing wrong with your method. I am always willing to adjust for different Role-playing Game types so that the Text Role-playing Game Creator becomes more universal.
In checking, it is not related to your Main Thread being closed, but it may have been the way that Thread was set. Please check now and let me know, you can send me an Email about it to save here for your Reviews.
Icon, I know from your Introduction that you are busy with life, I just need to know is this game Icon's Pathfinder Kingmaker 2: Rivers Run Red - Page 91 of 91 permanently closed now? What's its status?
I have hope that I will find the time to continue it, and am slowly improving my scheduling ability, but it remains a low priority for me. Sorry for being vague and indecisive.