Still she had to get back to her duties. She could not ignore the fact that it was fortune and possibly fortune telling that put her where she was today. She goes downstairs to place her usual crystal ball and other items in a darkened room to begin business once again.
You decide to look over your will in case of sudden death.
Having all this wealth at her death meant it would need to go to someone but who? She started to think of all the people she knew that could be deemed 'worthy' for such a possession.
Not coming up with anyone she throws back her hair and looks outside at the rest of the village. Again, there was that big ugly stone structure called a castle that the blacksmith put up.
In a most unusual scene, two love birds land on your window frame and begin tweeting lovely to each other, that is until they notice you and fly off.
Krusten hears construction and looks over to where the hunter lives,
"Hmmm... He must be bringing in some rare meat to be able to afford that."
At the same time she does not see his improvements as any big attraction so she looks elsewhere keeping an eye out for anyone brave enough to put up a castle.
Krusten sees the accomplishments of the archer as well as the continued production of the blacksmith and it makes her cross. Not that she was an aggressive person but she felt her position in the village was being 'attacked'. She decides to pay them an 'innocent' visit.
Back at home Krusten begins to watch over her castle and consider if there might be any thieves that could get in at night. She thinks about some of the people in the village and if they might try.