Having just returned from the Tavern, Krusten is with a broad smile on her face. She has finally gotten the needed touches to her place as well as replaced that awful mirror that was bothering her.
She looks around with a sense of happiness at her new found home which duals as her business place in Gwynedd.
"We're ready!" She says speaking in the plural but it was her alone living there. I wonder if there are any pets around. She begins to wonder if she should ask the blacksmith about it.
"Well seeing that this is your first time I will let this one go free."
Krusten moves her chair back, sits down, and then scoots it under her.
She shifts her crystal ball and then looks at the young man still standing,
"Do sit down, I don't bite."
She smiles pleasantly waiting for him to take his place.
"Good, let's get started."
She looks into her crystal ball as though she were watching something moving around in it. She then looks up at the young man,
"Tell me about yourself and what you want to accomplish today."
"My name is Felipe and today I am hoping that I can get more gold so I can expand my hut and have a successful business of being an Innkeeper".
Edited: Felipe on 11th Jun, 2013 - 6:55pm
Krusten listens carefully while placing her hands on the crystal ball,
"Why is this important to you?"
While saying this she starts to lightly drift from side to side.