Gwynedd Fortune Teller - Page 10 of 46

"Oh you are back already? The soup was - Page 10 - Gwynedd Medieval Village PBP RPG - Posted: 18th Jul, 2013 - 3:22pm

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Gwynedd Fortunes
Description: Krusten is a fortune teller. She knows that some nobility might not approve but she doesn't care because there is so much gold. She uses very unorthodox methods to tell someone's fortune as everyone in Gwynedd will soon find out.

14th Jul, 2013 - 10:54pm / Post ID: #
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Gwynedd Fortune Teller - Page 10

Gwynedd Villager, Krusten says...

"Give the cup to me now and I will look."

Krusten examines the leaves placement in the cup just as she would with her crystal ball.


She looks some more.


She looks some more again.

"It says that you can make it but the road will be long and troublesome because like you, there are others who also want to be at the top and soon you will find that the more that want to be at the top the harder it will be."

14th Jul, 2013 - 11:24pm / Post ID: #
Gwynedd Avatar

Teller Fortune Gwynedd

Gwynedd Villager, Felipe says...

Felipe says to Krusten "Hmm, I see, thank you. For your services for today, how much gold will that cost now?".

14th Jul, 2013 - 11:41pm / Post ID: #
Gwynedd Avatar

Gwynedd Fortune Teller RPG PBP Village Medieval Gwynedd

Gwynedd Villager, Krusten says...

"I'm still not taking gold yet, just send me one of your best meals from your Inn, perhaps I can eat that for my dinner, agreed?"

Krusten smiles pleasantly.

15th Jul, 2013 - 11:50am / Post ID: #
Gwynedd Avatar

Page 10 Teller Fortune Gwynedd

Gwynedd Villager, Felipe says...

Felipe says to Krusten "Alright, I will bring the vegetable soup for you since you wanted that before and it is one of my best meals in my Inn". After a short while, Felipe came back to the Fortune teller's house with a wooden bowl with a spoon with something on top that is covering the bowl, he takes it off and the young man says to Krusten "Here it is, this soup tastes and smell great! It contains lots of good vegetables in it that is good for you".

15th Jul, 2013 - 2:59pm / Post ID: #
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Teller Fortune Gwynedd

Gwynedd Villager, Krusten says...

"Thank you so much, I'm sure I will enjoy it."

She closes her door bidding the young inn keeper a good day. She then sits and eats.

15th Jul, 2013 - 10:08pm / Post ID: #
Gwynedd Avatar

Gwynedd Fortune Teller

Gwynedd Villager, Felipe says...

Felipe says to Krusten "And have a good day too. Oh yes, don't forget to return the bowl and the spoon back to me when you get a chance, thanks. Bye now". Felipe then goes off back to his inn.

17th Jul, 2013 - 6:26pm / Post ID: #
Gwynedd Avatar

Gwynedd Fortune Teller - Page 10

Gwynedd Villager, Felipe says...

Felipe goes by and he knocks the door of the fortune teller's home and he says "Hello?".

18th Jul, 2013 - 3:22pm / Post ID: #
Gwynedd Avatar

Gwynedd Fortune Teller Gwynedd Medieval Village PBP RPG - Page 10

Gwynedd Villager, Krusten says...

"Oh you are back already? The soup was nice thank you. Here is your bowl and spoon."

She then whispers,

"Hey, did you hear the rumors about the Blacksmith looking to go all out and build a castle?"

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