Felipe says to the Black-Smith "Let me see...Um, I would like a long sword that is made of a hard material of sliver, how much does that cost?".
Edited: Felipe on 19th Jul, 2013 - 1:15pm
Felipe says to KNtoran "OK" Then he counts the gold in his bag to see how much he has, then he picks up 8 gold and he gives it to the blacksmith and says "Here you go, 8 gold pieces".
Felipe says to the blacksmith "Well, I am thinking of making one of the regular meals I make "Roasted vegetables with baked potatoes and toasted bread, I need to think of more meals I can make for my menu in order to get more customers.".
Klar keeps working on the steel sword the inn keeper ordered. The hardest part is the refolding of the steel to get all the impurities out. Plus he wants to make sure to do a real good job on it so that his friend has a sword that looks good on him.