Well the weekend is over now and tomorrow starts the new week. I am looking forward to the first full week of September. This is the time the weather slowly starts changing to fall and the nights cool down for good sleeping weather. No longer sweating all over the sheets.
After sweating his butt off most of the day Klar is now relaxing outside in the bit cooler air. He can hardly believe that it got this hot today. Felt like mid to late July not September. Oh well he just grins and bears it. He takes another drink of his water as he watches the villagers walking to and fro.
The days are long like normal but the nights are filled with a nice quiet relaxing time. Being able to relax and enjoy watching the sun going down or simply sitting before the fire with a good book it is nice to relax. Plus my house is looking to be very clean and well kept.
It has been a nice weekend. I was able to get my cupboards restocked with provisions and was able to make sure that everything is well around the house. Doing little things to make sure no leaks around the doors and windows. Making sure the roof is good and solid with no leaks there too. Making sure the windows and shutters are in good working shape.
Doing little things here and there is very good as it can help correct a problem before it gets to be a big issue. Plus the house looks better over time because of this.
The week is almost half over. The weather is slowly turning to the cooler weather of fall and that is great. With the nights getting colder that makes one think of harvest and the get together that many call thanksgiving as a way to celebrate the bounty of food given to us by mother nature.
Well the weekend is here again. This is the last weekend of summer. Next weekend will be the first weekend of Autumn. It seems that this year is going by very quickly. It does not seem like summer should be over yet but yet it is. Soon the harvests will be coming in and I need to make sure the forge is ready for the work of sharpening the harvest tools.
The weekend is passing quickly. Too quickly some will say. Tomorrow it is back to work and getting more and more done. With the harvest coming up I know I will be busy as everyone wants to get everything done before the snow starts flying. With the heat sticking around I feel that it is going to be a warm month next month so we do not have to worry about snow for a while.